Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas is almost here!!

I know everyone has been waiting to here about my meeting with the psychic. I think I am still in shock from it but I promise when the time is right I will post my experience.

One thing I will say about it is this.. "Yes, Joe was there and he spoke to me". It was wild!! It was beyond anything I could have imagined. My heart was pumping out of my chest when she first started to say stuff. The "reading".. I think that's what they call it..... began with Joe saying some really personal stuff that no one but Joe & I knew. So with that said.... I was like, OMG!! I think I am going to pass out. LOL

One thing Joe said was that he loved that we started a blog about him but he doesn't want us to write anymore sad stuff. So I promise not too.

Joe loved Christmas and here's a photo of him and our son Joey, Jr. from Christmas a long time ago. The photo was taken at The Pierce's house. For those of you who don't know who they are.... Sandy is my best budlinka. LOL


Tracey said...

I'm glad to see you started posting again on your blog. Posting happy times and pics is a great idea! Remembering happy times is always a good thing.

Gina, Kiara & Joey Jr. said...

I will blog regularly. I promise.*

Tracey said...

That's how I remember Joe.
That pic must have been taken around
"my time. " LOL

Sam said...

lol at my house, when joey was a terrorist.

Gina, Kiara & Joey Jr. said...

LOL, Joey's still a terrorist! Now he's terrorist on WoW!
Tracey, I have so many photos with you in them.