Thursday, November 6, 2008

I want to start a college scholarship in Joe's name

Does anyone know where to begin?

The kids and I would like to start a college scholarship fund at the Kings Park High School.

It would be nice if money could be awarded to a graduating student each year with the highest bowling average in memory of Joe.

Oh But Wait!!! The Kings Park High School doesn't have a bowling team.
Because they couldn't fit a lousy 4k in the budget.
When my taxes are through the roof to live in this town.
And our Middle School has money for double teams.

Anyway, a few year back I used to grant write for money for educational films. I guess if pull out my old contacts I'll find something.

Do I need to open a non-profit organization first?

If there are any readers out there that have the answers I am all ears.

I will post step by step of the process I will go through to make this happen and maybe it will help others and we can learn together.


Laura, Mish & Sean said...

This might help you get and idea of how to start.

Laura, Mish & Sean said...

Starting your own traditional scholarship does not have to be difficult. Consider yourself a hero for just considering it - it is a good a rare thing you are considering.
Choose population you want to help, some example are:
High school seniors
Students who have done some type of community service
College students that are biology majors
It is your scholarship; you may define the who any way you choose!
Decide what you want students to do to apply - write an essay, submit grades, etc.
Decide how you want to administer the scholarship (this can be a little tricky)
Contact a school and put the money in a restricted school account
Create a special account at your bank designated as the scholarship fund
Simply write a check out of your account when the time comes (be careful here)
Announce that your scholarship is available
Contact the school's guidance office or financial aid office
Write a press release (optional)
Create a simple flyer to hand out
Provide written instructions on what students is to do to win (This is critical)
What is the deadline to summit the application?
Who EXACTLY is eligible
How much is the award
What EXACTLY does the student have to do
Who does the student send the application to when ready?
Be prepared for phone calls and letters asking the same questions over and over and over and over no matter how detailed your instructions.
Decide when you will provide the money to the winner and how the money may be used (CKSF sends the check payable to the college for deposit in the student's account.)
Please Note: there are now laws governing a scholarship funder from solely choosing the scholarship winner!!

Gina, Kiara & Joey Jr. said...

Thank you for this information. We are excited to get this going*** ~ G, K, & J

John Nicoletti said...

I just want to say that I had a very special relationship with Joe. When my high school girlfriend broke up with me after 5 years, Joe was one of the people that got me through that difficult time in my life. He would talk to me many hours to make me feel better. He would never cut me short no matter what time it was. We would be on his boat until the sun was setting. Joe was a very gentle and caring man. I will always think of him, and cherish the memories we spent together. Rest in peace Joe. I love you and will always remember you. Love, cousin Johnny